Competitive Intelligence: Every Bit.Ly link has Public Analytics
This appears to be one of the all time greatest corporate tweet gaffes. I was alerted to this by Jon Hendren's tweet (@fart)
I asked for a link and voila, it appears to be true. Dominos appears to have posted a tweet that links to a page on their site which contains a video and article addressing some very kinky Dominos employees, and I quote:"...videos of two of Domino’s Pizza employees appearing inappropriately within one of our franchise restaurants have been circulating online."The employees were arrested and fired. The video on Dominos site is currently set to "private" and it appears to be a corporate generated "response"/damage control video with a Dominos executive discussing the incident. I did find a news video that is probably about this incident. Since Dominos already made the video private, I'm going to post screen shots of the tweet and the landing page for posterity, because they might not be long for this world.