In an interesting deal today that solidifies the importance of social media in this information age, the Library of Congress has reached an agreement with Twitter to store an archive of public tweets.
Admit it, you were disturbed that your oldest tweets were going to be lost forever… or perhaps you don’t have combination OCD and delusions of grandeur (like me). Then it is possible you were at least saddened at the thought that the oldest tweets by your favorite comedians like @TheSulk or @JoshComedyRock were routinely disappearing off their timeline.
There are “billions and billions” of Tweets stored on Twitter’s archive servers that the Library of Congress will take control of.
No word yet on how the public will be able to access the archive – but I am sure our government won’t screw it up and it will be flawlessly executed like almost everything else they do.
Hopefully, there will be a filter to remove Bieber, Kardashian, and Kutcher related tweets when you’re browsing the archive – although this will turn “billions and billions” of tweets into “millions and millions.”
Note: only “unlocked” public tweets will be archived at the LOC.
“Tweet is Not For Losers”
This news further discredits Charles Barkley’s diatribe that “tweet if for losers” (click the picture below). Just kidding, we love you Charles, you will always be the “round mound of rebound” and can do no wrong.
Fortunately for Charles, “Tweet” is so easy anybody can do it. So quietly put those opinions aside for good and set up your Twitter account Charles – before someone steals your desired handle.

tell me more about this @joshcomedyrock….I heard @thesulk follows him exclusively…i am intrigued